Airclip, Ihre Experten wenn es um Drohnen geht! Als anerkannte Stelle des Luftfahrtbundesamtes stellen unsere Piloten und Prüfer erforderliche Dokumente wie den Kenntnisnachweis aus. Wir bieten:
- persönliche Beratung zu Ihrem Vorhaben
- Vertrieb, Wartung und Reparatur von Drohnen
- individuelles Pilotentraining und praktische Prüfungen
- Drohnenführerschein nach §21d LuftVO
- kompetenter Service und Support
50 Items
- SKU:
- AC27245
- Variations in:
- Training location
- Training date
The ideal training course for drone pilots who need the A2 and/or STS licence quickly and easily. With the help of the online preparation, you will learn the material, which we will briefly repeat in 2.5 hours before taking the A2/STS exam.
- SKU:
- AC26109
Agisoft Metashape training as an on-demand video course with personalised coaching. Get the pro on your screen. For beginners and advanced users.
- SKU:
- AC26407
Online course on drone use in trade and industry. Book now, get started immediately and generate real added value with a drone.
- SKU:
- AC27112
The quick and safe way to obtain an operating licence for the DJI Mavic 3E and 3T.
- SKU:
- AC26785
You bring the project. We fly and analyse. You receive the result.
- SKU:
- AC26795
The DJI Terra Pro training specifically for LIDAR as an online seminar. Get the professional on your screen. For beginners and advanced users.
- SKU:
- AC26403
Ready-to-fly package with drone and software for landfills, construction documentation and building information modelling (BIM)
- SKU:
- AC27294
- simple operation including measuring tools
- 3D model in web viewer
- from just €25 per project
Suitable for
- Carpenters and roofers
- Tinsmiths (plumbers)
- Surveyors
- Facility management
- SKU:
- AC27013
- simple operation including measuring tools
- 3D model in the web viewer
- Import into common planning software
- from as little as €50 per project
Suitable for
- PV planners
- PV installers
- Solar engineers
- Scaffolders
- SKU:
- AC24475
- Variations in:
- Training location
- Training date
One of our experienced drone pilots will prepare you optimally for the safe handling and flight of your Mavic 3 drone.