Airclip, Ihre Experten wenn es um Drohnen geht! Als anerkannte Stelle des Luftfahrtbundesamtes stellen unsere Piloten und Prüfer erforderliche Dokumente wie den Kenntnisnachweis aus. Wir bieten:
- persönliche Beratung zu Ihrem Vorhaben
- Vertrieb, Wartung und Reparatur von Drohnen
- individuelles Pilotentraining und praktische Prüfungen
- Drohnenführerschein nach §21d LuftVO
- kompetenter Service und Support
50 Items
- SKU:
- AC27013
- simple operation including measuring tools
- 3D model in the web viewer
- Import into common planning software
- from as little as €50 per project
Suitable for
- PV planners
- PV installers
- Solar engineers
- Scaffolders
- SKU:
- AC27294
- simple operation including measuring tools
- 3D model in web viewer
- from just €25 per project
Suitable for
- Carpenters and roofers
- Tinsmiths (plumbers)
- Surveyors
- Facility management
- SKU:
- AC27165
- hull insurance included
- no drone driving licence required
- ready-to-fly drone packages
Suitable for
- Photovoltaic companies
- Roofers
- Surveying of single and multi-family houses up to 1000 m²
- quick, cost-effective entry into commercial drones
- SKU:
- AC27166
- fast, precise, automated
- RTK technology
- including drone training
- ready-to-fly drone packages
Suitable for
- Photovoltaic companies
- Surveying of houses, halls and open spaces up to 50 ha
- quick, cost-effective introduction to commercial drones
- SKU:
- AC27196
- data acquisition accurate to the centimetre
- RTK technology
- Ready-to-fly package
Suitable for
- Photovoltaic companies
- Surveying of houses, halls and open spaces up to 200 ha
- optical inspection of PV systems with up to 200 ha
- SKU:
- AC27047
- drone-based PV inspection up to 50 ha, simple fault detection
- high-resolution thermography drone, quick to learn
- includes training and drone licence
Suitable for
- Photovoltaic companies
- Service providers for thermographic inspection of PV systems
- Beginners and professionals in the thermographic inspection of PV systems
- SKU:
- AC27050
Simply inspect PV systems - both visually and thermographically - up to an area of 200 ha.
- SKU:
- AC26069
Full control over your plants. Determine the vegetation index (NDVI) with the DJI Mavic 3M
- SKU:
- AC27205
- Variations in:
- Software
- Area measurement from 1 ha up to 50 ha
- Real-time kinematics (= RTK)
- Ready-to-fly package
Suitable for
- Planning and engineering offices
- Surveying offices
- Surveying tasks in your own company
- SKU:
- AC27204
- Variations in:
- Software
- Area measurement from 5 ha up to 200 ha
- Real-time kinematics (RTK)
- Ready-to-fly package
- 45 MP full-format camera, interchangeable
Suitable for
- Engineering and planning offices
- Surveying offices
- Companies with their own surveying tasks