Discover the DJI D  ock - your one-stop shop...


Discover the DJI D ock - your one-stop shop for automated drone solutions. The DJI Dock revolutionises drone logistics and maintenance by enabling seamless integration of drones into various applications. Whether in agriculture, construction site surveillance or the security sector, the DJI Dock offers innovative solutions for efficient and autonomous drone management.

Key features of the DJI Dock

  • Automated charging and take-off: The DJI Dock ensures continuous operational readiness of your drones through automated charging and take-off processes.
  • Robust design: Designed for use in extreme conditions, the DJI Dock protects your drones from the elements and physical damage.
  • Intelligent software integration: Advanced flight planning and data analysis software makes missions more efficient and safer.
  • Remote monitoring and control: Monitor and control your drone fleet remotely and access real-time data at any time.

Why the DJI Dock?

The DJI Dock offers a range of benefits that surpass traditional drone solutions. With improved mission planning, reduced downtime and increased operational efficiency, the DJI Dock is the ideal choice for organisations looking to take their drone operations to the next level.

Areas of application

  • Agriculture: Optimise crop monitoring, pest control and irrigation management.
  • Construction industry: Monitor construction progress, safety standards and material inventories in real time.
  • Security services: Improve monitoring and response to emergencies and security incidents.