Using drones commercially

You want to use a...


Are you looking for a ready-to-fly package for commercial use? Select your industry now.

You are looking for a ready-to-fly package for commercial use?Select your industry now.

Using drones commercially

You want to use a drone commercially, but are unsure? With insurance, weight limits, prohibited zones and and.... one loses one easily loses the overview. We are here to help you with advice and support.

Ready-to-fly Bundles from Airclip

We've gone the extra mile and put together industry-specific drone packages put together for you. In addition to the hardware, the packages always include a training course. So you can comfortably learn how to operate the drone safely. The package also includes software for special analyses and measurements for your industry. With a ready-made package like this, you don't start from scratch and can get started right away.

Get to the top of your industry with Airclip

Want to stay ahead of your competition? We offer only first-class products - and first-class doesn't have to be expensive. Drones have become an everyday product. The market is huge and confusing. We keep track for you to offer the right device for your job. Simply select your industry and let our packages convince you. Your industry is not listed or you have questions about our products? Give us a call or write to us. We are here for you!